On Croker Island

I had a bit of a whinge on this entry a few days ago. Have now edited that out. Tomorrow comes the boat trip to Raffles Bay. Here are some pics of a beach walk on Mission Bay.
I am really looking forward to the trip across Bowen Strait and into Raffles Bay though. I have already spent time carefully organising my equipment. Canon digital EOS, with assorted lenses. Panasonic mini DV video camera, lightweight tripod, and my ipod rigged up with a recording device which will enable me to record voice notes, useful when documenting which areas are being photographed. I also have an accurate fix on the location, which is loaded into my hand held GPS, so finding the site should be relatively straightforward. Deb, the headmistress, on holidays at present, is also coming across to lend a hand, (bringing a cut lunch) and Robert Hunt, the man with the boats, seems to be the perfect man to get us there. Yesterday I took a walk along the beach on which the Minjilang Community nestles. It is called Mission Bay, because for many years the stolen generation were housed here in large numbers. The beach put me in another space, and a faithful hound who has adopted me since I arrived, accompanied me. I have named him ‘Spring’ which was the name of the dog Barker owned during his commands. You can always tell a good dog by the way their feet barely touch the ground as they trip along, seemingly suspended by an upright tail. Here’s some pics. 

Footy oval

Mission Bay


Prevailing winds
Cyclone damage
Norris creek


Mangrove swamp patterns
Shipwrecked barge